Sunday 12 February 2012

Thunder Sheet!

Next project - make myself one of these to use to create my own sound effects for a video that I'm working on at the moment.

Objects of Agility

Newer work Objects of Agility, soon to be in the Animal Integrity exhibition at the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh.

Fiction Blocking

Some collages I did before Christmas.

Sunday 13 November 2011


Catherine Hyland, Wonderland, China, C-Print, 1981.2 mm x 1280.8 mm

Wonderland VI, China, 2011

Wonderland XIII, China, 2011

One of the photos is part of her Wonderland series which documents what remains of an amusement park conceived in 1998 to become the largest of its kind in Asia. Built near Beijing, the spectacular theme park was left to decay after funding was cut and agreement couldn't be reached over the rights of the land. The other two photos were equally fascinating: one evoked the manufactured landscape of Edward Burtynsky, the other brought you to a much quieter yet somehow uncanny universe.
Catherine Hyland